
False Positives: Skipping Rules

Some rules are bit of a rule of thumb. To skip a specific rule for a specific task, inside your state add # noqa [rule_id] at the end of the line. You can skip multiple rules via a space-separated list. Example:

    - source: salt://{{unspaced_var}}/example  # noqa: 206


Disable formatting checks using -x formatting

Rule Description
201 Trailing whitespace
202 Jinja statement should have spaces before and after: {% statement %}
203 Most files should not contain tabs
204 Lines should be no longer than 160 chars
205 Use ".sls" as a Salt State file extension
206 Jinja variables should have spaces before and after {{ var_name }}
207 File modes should always be encapsulated in quotation marks
208 File modes should always contain a leading zero
209 Jinja comment should have spaces before and after: {# comment #}
210 Numbers that start with 0 should always be encapsulated in quotation marks
211 pillar.get or grains.get should be formatted differently
212 Most files should not contain irregular spaces
213 SaltStack recommends using together with onchanges, rather than cmd.wait
214 SLS file with a period in the name (besides the suffix period) can not be referenced
219 Nested dicts should be properly over-indented


Disable jinja checks using -x jinja

Rule Description
202 Jinja statement should have spaces before and after: {% statement %}
206 Jinja variables should have spaces before and after {{ var_name }}
209 Jinja comment should have spaces before and after: {# comment #}
211 pillar.get or grains.get should be formatted differently


Disable recommendation checks using -x recommendation

Rule Description
801 Using the quiet argument with is deprecated. Use output_loglevel: quiet


Disable deprecation checks using -x deprecation

Rule Description
901 Using the quiet argument with is deprecated. Use output_loglevel: quiet